Upney Lane-Building Safety

Fire Safety

Dealing With Incidents and Fire

The Barking Medical Group Surgery wish to make sure that the environment is as safe as possible for all people concerned or involved. We do, however, accept that there is a risk that some incidents, such as fire, may occur outside the sphere of influence of The Barking Medical Group Surgery, its employees and associates and the users of the service. In these circumstances, everyone should be aware of their responsibilities and of the actions required.

What to Do In The Event Of A Fire

In the event of hearing or being told that the fire alarm has been activated, please follow the instructions given by reception.

Evacuation of the building should take place:

  1. upon discovering a fire
  2. hearing the fire alarm

(With the exception of the undertaking of the alarm bells test, all occasions when the fire alarm rings should result in evacuation. There can be no exceptions to this rule. If the alarm has sounded due to a fault, then receive such good news from the safety of the assembly point and then return to the building)

Means of Escape

  1. Leave at the front of the building
  2. Do not run – Leave the building in an orderly manner
  3. Do not put yourself at risk or stop to pick up personal belongings
  4. Do not return to the building until you are advised to do so.
  5. Do not leave ASSEMBLY POINT  – Your name will be taken to assist the fire service when checking if the building is empty.